Frequent Questions and Answers
INDIA: We ship all over India - COD Available
- Each and every confirmed order is shipped within 24 hours’ time from our warehouse. The orders received on Sunday/Holidays are shipped on the next working day, after confirmation.
- The moment your order is shipped from our warehouse, it will take approximately 3-10 working days for it to be delivered to you, depending on your location.
- Important for COD customers ,your order will be dispatched only you give your confirmation on either Whatsapp message or phone calls we send you on your given number.
- As soon as the order is Shipped from our warehouse, you will receive an email with your tracking number and an active link to track it live. We urge you to enter your email id while placing the order to get all updates related to your order.
- Once your package is Out for delivery, you will receive a call from our logistics partner for the delivery of your order. They will be able to confirm the time of delivery.
- Packages are delivered using an OTP for verification and we request you to keep you phone handy while receiving the package for OTP verification purpose.